In 2015, this activity was a huge success and was one of the Gen WHY strategies to encourage doctors and students to discover art as an interest alongside medicine. It also gave established and emerging doctor-artists the opportunity to show their work to their colleagues and enjoy a gallery and art show experience. The show attracted 750 visitors, 36 individual artists and a record opening crowd at the Adelaide Central School of Art.
View the 2015 Launch video.
Following on from the successful 2015 event, Doctors’ Health SA presented this exhibition again in 2018 at praxisARTSPACE. This exhibition attracted many more doctor and medical student artists entering a total of 100 artworks.
A special video of the 2018 Launch was been produced and can be viewed here.
Thank you to SA Life for publishing a special editorial feature on the Exhibition which was released in their September 2018 edition
If you would like to be involved in the next Art of Medicine please contact the Art of Medicine Committee via Megan Galpin email

Encouraging doctors and medical students to embrace the things they love to do outside of medicine!