We hope you find the following web links useful and of interest
Thinkwell uses the latest psychological and educational research to
assist high achievers to obtain maximum productivity. In particular, the
“Ultimate Time Management Guide for GPs” is excellent as well the "Imposter Syndrome" book www.ithinkwell.com.au
Doctors' Health Services Pty Ltd co-ordinates the delivery of health advisory and referral services for doctors and medical students across Australia. Help and support is available for doctors health services in every state and territory www.drs4drs.com.au
Mindful Medic Podcast - Advancing doctors health services - Podcast interview in November 2022 by Dr Cheryl Martin @MindfulMedic - interviewing Dr Roger Sexton AM, Medical Director, Doctors' Health SA and Mrs Kiara Cannizzaro, Program Manager, Doctors' Health SA - link to Podcast here.
Hand-n-Hand Peer Support - Free, confidential peer support for health professionals in Australia and New Zealand - www.handnhand.org.au
The Burnout Project - Burnout is overwhelming and lonely. You suffer quietly, and even your loved ones may not know that every day is a struggle. Let me hold your hand and guide you. I’ve faced the despair of burnout myself, as I tried to juggle career, kids, and the household mental load. I know how hard it is. I recovered from burnout, and you can too. Just one step at a time. Dr Amy Imms - www.theburnoutproject.com.au
Doctors' Health Alliance - this is the peak body of all the doctors' health services from around Australia and New Zealand, currently Chaired by Dr Roger Sexton - www.doctorshealthalliance.org.au
For Physicians - the Royal Australasian College of Physicians supports their profession with a range of doctors' health and well-being strategies www.racp.edu.au
For Anaesthetists - the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists have a webpage detailing a range of support and events coordinated by the ANZCA Special Interest Group www.anzca.edu.au
For Hospital Trainee Anaesthetists - ANZCA Hospital Welfare Representatives across South Australia - contact one of these at any time you need, list here.
For GPs - the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has information sheet detailing the RACGP Self-care support program (accessing a psychologist) as well the many other support services/resources available to GPs all detailed in this document.
For GPs - GPs Down Under - GPs Down Under is the largest and most engaged online community of general practitioners in Australia. Frustrated by the red tape and rules governing GP peer to peer learning and the speed of communication in the commercial and institutional world, it began life as a small private Facebook group seeking rapid answers to everyday clinical issues facing busy GPs www.gpdu.com.au
For Junior Doctors & Senior Medical Students - onthewards is a free open access medical education website and community of practice dedicated to providing easily accessible, relevant and practical online resources that address the needs of the doctors of today and tomorrow as they navigate various stages of training www.onthewards.org
For Surgeons - Royal Australasian College of Surgeons support program for members, partnering with Converge International to provide confidential support to surgeons and their immediate family members. Details of the program here.
For Women in Medicine - The Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW) is a not for profit, politically neutral, non sectarian, non government organisation that seeks to improve the health of all Australians, especially the health of women and children - find out more about AFMW here.
The Black Dog Institute website offers a wide range of resources, self-help tools and videos to assist with mood disorders www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Beyondblue offers a rich suite of resources for the wide range of mental health problems affecting all of us www.beyondblue.org.au
Mental Health Professionals Network - for practitioners across Australia to have the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary programs, including mental health practitioner networks and free online professional development webinars and podcasts. Our Medical Director, Dr Roger Sexton has conducted talks regularly to this Network about self-care for health professionals. More details on their website here.
Move. Nourish. Connect. Be. Article about four things to do every day for your mental health (March 2020), from the 'Greater Good Magazine - science-based insights for a meaningful life' - article here.
Head to Health - improve your own mental health, or support somebody else with mental health issues, Head to Health provides links to trusted Australian online and phone supports, resources and treatment options - www.headtohealth.gov.au
The ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of Organisational Wellness - article in WRAP EM, 3 June 2021, by Dr Sam Bendall and Dr Bethan Richards - view full article here.
Behind the Seen - is a project developed from a lived experience perspective to raise awareness of the unique lifestyle and incident stresses experienced by frontline emergency service providers and their families - www.behindtheseenaustralia.com
A Royal Australasian College of Physicians 17 minute podcast “Physician , Heal Thyself”, which features, DHSA’s Dr Roger Sexton and doctors from other doctors’ health services www.racp.edu.au
Doctors with Disabilities - an organisation that brings together the people that have beaten the odds and have gone onto become successful doctors as well as those aspiring to follow in their footsteps www.dwda.org.au
For Doctors with Cancer - Finding My Way is an internet based intervention that provides a convenient, user friendly way to gain information and/or skills to improve your physical and mental well being during your treatment for cancer - www.findingmyway.org.au
Creating a mentally healthy workplace - where we work impacts us greatly, even more so as busy medical professionals managing patient demands, it is important that our workplace culture is a positive space to work. Beyondblue recently released a guide to creating a mentally healthy workplace - it is an important read for Practices and Health Services - view link here.
Peer Support Program Guidelines - developed for all the public sector in South Australia, however very helpful guideline with some elements that could be implemented through any health service - view more here.
AVANT is a national medical defence organisation protecting the Australian medical profession for over 125 years. Their vision is to be the most trusted professional partner in supporting doctors throughout their lives and careers. View supports for members here.
MIGA is a national medical defence organisation with an innovative IRM program to help doctors manage risk and a support program for doctors experiencing medicolegal matters www.miga.com.au
MIPS is a national medical defence organisation providing insurance medico-legal support for medical practitioners details about their supports are here.
MDA National a defence organisation providing insurance medico-legal support for medical practitioners details about their supports are here.
Lifeline - Lifeline has developed a range of free toolkits to provide you with information and assistance during challenging times. Browse and download our range of toolkits and factsheets. View and download here.
An excellent self-care website from New Zealand
Stanford Medicine, WellMD, links to anonymous online self-test sites, ranging from altruism to depression, to burnout, as well happiness link to all the details here.
A website promoting a world wide movement to increase compassion in health care www.heartsinhealthcare.com
An excellent UK travel medicine website for both the advising doctor and the doctor/ student traveller www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk
A website full of resources to help the busy junior doctor stay well - link here.
An excellent Canadian doctors’ health website www.ephysicianhealth.com
A comprehensive website by Dr Martin Seligman, the “father of positive psychology,” focussing on positive psychology and offering a suite of self-assessment questionnaires www.authentichappiness.org
The South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association www.sapmea.asn.au
The Rural Doctors Association of South Australia was established to provide medico-political and industrial assistance for South Australian rural doctors www.rdasa.com.au
A very relevant and personal website offering GP registrars, medical students and pre-vocational doctors real strategies to build resilience www.rcubed.org.au
The Australian medical students useful website information on student wellbeing www.amsa.org.au
The informative Rural Doctors’ Workforce Agency website for rural doctors with details of their unique Dr DOC health program www.ruraldoc.org.au
How to Improve Healthcare in Rural Areas research by Advent Health University - As with Australia, rural communities in the United States are suffering a healthcare crisis. The biggest healthcare concerns in these areas include lack of access to hospitals and clinics, a shortage of doctors, and lack of financial resources. The impacts of these issues include a disparity in healthcare outcomes, higher mortality rates, and lower overall quality of health. Government officials and healthcare industry experts are working to improve healthcare in small towns and rural areas across the country. However, the problem is complex and the challenges steep. Extensive research shared here.
The AMA website offers useful information re doctors’ health, especially junior doctors www.ama.com.au
The Royal Australasian College of General Practitioners website has a very useful range of resources www.racgp.org.au