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Clinic Appointments

Doctors' Health SA After-hours GP Assessment Clinic

Please note that our service is available ONLY to registered doctors and medical students. If you are NOT a registered member of the medical profession, please do not proceed.

If you do not have your own doctor, the not-for-profit DHSA after-hours clinic is a convenient point of first call.

The South Terrace Clinic is open for the following after-hours times:

  • Monday: 5.00pm - 8.30pm
  • Wednesday: 5.00pm - 8.30pm (alternate - check bookings online)
  • Saturday: 9.00am - 12.00pm (alternate - check bookings online)

We have a team of experienced GPs working on a casual basis at the clinic. They possess a very broad range of clinical skills in general practice, mental health, contraception, women’s health and primary care…. i.e. anything!

Contact us if a time does not suit, or view our Find a GP page to see someone close to you.

Consultation Types 

Fees for GP consultations at Doctors' Health SA





Attendance - Brief




Attendance < 20 minutes




Attendance 20-39 minutes




Attendance ≥ 40 minutes




Full Fees are payable at the time of consultation. Medicare rebates can be claimed via the Tyro terminal and are paid into the patient’s savings or cheque bank account immediately. Please note a rebate cannot be paid back into a Credit Card account and a physical card must be used to get an instant rebate. (Other methods can take 24-48 hours to process).

New Patient

As a new patient, you will be sent a link to complete our New Patient Registration form via Hot Docs. This needs to be completed prior to attending your appointment.

If you prefer to see a local community-based GP who is a member of the DHSA team, please go to our Find a GP page.

Rural SA Telemedicine

The initial tele-consultation will be provided at no cost and subsidised by the Country SA PHN grant until end of current grant period, June 2025.

Any further appointments will be billed as follows:

a) where the patient has not seen the doctor face-to-face in the previous 12 months, the service is not Medicare-rebatable and the usual practice fee will apply (for fee schedule, refer to table above).

b) where the patient has seen a DHSA doctor face-to-face, either at the DHSA clinic or through the rural Outreach GP visit program in the previous 12 months, the service is Medicare-rebatable and the usual practice fee will apply (as detailed above).

Patients will therefore need to attend the DHSA clinic in person to be able to claim Medicare rebates.

Northern Territory doctors and medical students 

The initial tele-consultation will be subsidised by NT grant funds and provided at no cost to rural doctor-patients. Any further telehealth appointments are not grant-funded and not Medicare rebatable and will therefore be billed as a private patient (refer to table above).

Any further appointments will be billed as follows:

  1. If you have not seen the DHSA Doctor face-to-face in the previous 12 months, the service is not Medicare-rebatable and the usual practice fee will apply (refer to above fees).
  2. If you have seen a DHSA Doctor face-to-face at the DHSA clinic in the previous 12 months, the service is Medicare-rebatable and the usual practice fee will apply (refer to above fees).


Dr Penelope Dargaville provides Hypnotherapy sessions at Doctors’ Health SA.

To book an appointment contact DHSA on 8232 1250 or email

We offer four types of medical service:

Call the clinic on 8232 1250 or book online by clicking on "Book Appointment" in top right hand corner, green button. A confirmation email will be sent then you will receive a Confidential Medical History Form to complete prior to appointment.

1. Comprehensive medical check-ups

As a new patient you will be sent a link to complete our New Patient Registration via Hot Docs. This needs to be completed prior to attending your appointment. If you prefer to see a local community-based GP who is a member of the DHSA team, please go to our Find a GP page.

  • conducted over 2-3 consultations
  • includes cardiovascular and cancer risk assessment
  • initial appointment is 60 minutes
  • follow-up appointment is 30-60 minutes to discuss results, complete the physical examination and discuss your areas of risk and future treatment.

We encourage a follow-up comprehensive check- up in cases where they do not have their own doctor. We encourage every doctor and student to select a GP of choice in the community.

There is no substitute for regular GP support, and DHSA encourages doctors to let us do everything possible to safeguard their health.

This service is suited to:

  • those doctors who have not seen a doctor for some time (and may have never had a thorough medical assessment) and
  • those who have been managing their own health without an independent assessment of their risk.
  • such check-ups attract 5 MIGA IRM points

2. Acute medical assessment

  • 60 minutes
  • for any type of presentation including acute physical or mental illness
  • follow-up appointments will be discussed and arrangements made

The service is suited to:

  • unwell doctors or students who can’t access or do not have their own doctor.

3. Periodical care

We understand that many doctors prefer a blended form of care whereby they may manage some things them self and may only seek an independent review by another doctor for certain things and only some of the time.

This service is suited to:

  • those self-treating and self-investigating doctors who really should have another doctor cast a fresh set of eyes on their problem list!

4. Telemedicine

Appointments can be made via our 'book appointments' (green button above, top right hand side) you can nominate a telemedicine appointment if this is preferable for you. 

We offer both telephone and video telehealth consultations. If you select to have a video consultation you will receive an URL link via an email from Hotdoc.

If there is a time not suitable we can be flexible with these, please phone our Clinic on 8232 1250 or email Reception at

This service is suited to:

  • the rural and remote doctors
  • doctors/medical students who schedules make it easier to have the appointment over the phone or video
  • doctors/medical students who prefer not to come into the clinic

Two-stage appointment

We encourage doctors and medical students without a doctor to raise any immediate areas of concern, and also to have a comprehensive check-up (we will help you to find a GP of choice for your on-going medical care).

Your medical assessment may need to be conducted over two appointments, the first of which is an initial one hour consultation, followed by a second appointment to allow a full assessment by your treating doctor along with a proper discussion.


We like to ensure doctors and medical students can gain an appointment with us as soon as they require it. If you need to cancel, it is vital to advise as soon as you know. Then we can offer the time to another patient.

Cancellation fee applies

If you need to cancel your appointment, please advise our staff as soon as possible and provide at least 2 hours’ notice of cancellation so that your appointment can be offered to a patient who is waiting on a cancellation list to see a doctor that day.

Please be aware you may be charged a fee if you do not attend an appointment, or don’t provide sufficient notice when cancelling an appointment.

Script & Referral Requests

From 1st March 2024 - All script and referral requests will need to be completed with an appointment with one of the Doctors’ Health doctors, this can be done by a Face to Face or Telehealth appointment.