Urgent advice – call 8366 0250
Doctors or medical students from within South Australia as well as doctors and students from within the Northern Territory can call DHSA at any time (24/7) on 8366 0250 for urgent, confidential advice. You will speak with one of our experienced and caring General Practitioners.
You can also:
- Make an appointment at the AH Clinic at 327 South Terrace, Adelaide 5000
- Find a suitable GP from our GP Network
- the GP network in the Northern Territory is currently being expanded and details will be available shortly via website www.doctorshealthnt.com.au
Other crisis phone services
We have compiled a list of contact numbers for a wide range of organisations offering support with crisis counselling and alcohol/drug dependency. Download our crisis support numbers.
General enquiries
Call us: (08) 8232 1250
Fax us: (08) 8232 4116
Email us: reception@doctorshealthsa.com.au or
Postal address: PO Box 7427 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000.