Urgent Support & Advice
call 8366 0250 or 1800 006 888
Doctors or medical students from within South Australia as well as doctors and students from within the Northern Territory can call DHSA at any time (24/7) on either 8366 0250 to connect to a local SA Doctor service for urgent, confidential advice. Alternatively you can call the National Health Line on 1800 006 888 which connects you directly to a local doctors' health service in your area you are calling from, no matter where you are in Australia. Either way, you will speak with an experienced and caring General Practitioner.
You can also:
- Make an appointment at the AH Clinic at 327 South Terrace, Adelaide 5000
- Find a suitable GP from our GP Network
- the GP network in the Northern Territory is currently being expanded and details are available via www.doctorshealthnt.com.au
Other crisis phone services
We have compiled a list of contact numbers for a wide range of organisations offering support with crisis counselling and alcohol/drug dependency. Download our crisis support numbers.
General enquiries
Call us: (08) 8232 1250
Fax us: (08) 8232 4116
Email us: reception@doctorshealthsa.com.au or
Postal address: PO Box 7427 Hutt St, Adelaide 5000.