Funding partnerships
DHSA is a not-for-profit and receives financial support from a number of organisations and revenue streams including:
- The Medical Board of Australia, through its decision to grant arms-length financial support to external doctors’ health programs including DHSA (funding has been received since 2014)
- Country SA PHN which recognises the importance to the community of a healthy medical workforce
- Various revenue streams including after-hours clinic fees-for-service, bank interest and rental returns
- Grants (previously through Rural Doctors Workforce Agency, Rural Health Alliance, Perpetual Trustees)
Operational Partnerships
DHSA works with a range of interested businesses and organisations to promote and implement the program.
These include:
- AMA(SA), as a Member organisation
- Rural Doctors Workforce Agency, as a Member organisation
- Medical Colleges (RACGP, ACRRM, Physicians, Anaesthetists, Dermatologists, Psychiatry, Surgeons, Radiologists, Pathologists, Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecologists), in promotion and support
- MIGA, in promotion, education, innovation and indemnity
- RDASA, in education and promotion
- JF Consulting, in grant applications
- Country SA PHN, in grant funding and promotion
- Adelaide PHN, in promotion
- sapmea, in training coordination
- Redman Media, Ms Lyndal Redman, in video production
- Return to Work SA, education support
- GPEx GP Training, in promotion and education
- Prof Liz Farmer, as project evaluator
- Rural Health Alliance, in grant allocation
- Medical Board of Australia, as part-funder of the program
- Perpetual Trustees, in grant provision
- Doctors' Health Alliance, in national networking and training
- SA Health - metropolitan hospitals
- SA Medical Education & Training (SAMET)
- LearnEM, Dr Peter Stuart, in education
- Answering Adelaide, in the 24-hr phone service
- CyberSquad, in IT support
- Quisk, web design

Collaborative Colleges and individuals
Medical Colleges with we have worked with in the past and continue to do so includes Colleges of Anaesthetists, Physicians, Obstetricians, Dermatologists and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.
We rely on the input of expert educators in our training and education and these include:
- Dr Maura Kenny
- Dr Jill Benson
- Ms Mardi Webber
- Ms Christina Sougleris
- Dr Peter Lee
- Assoc Prof John Litt
- Dr Rene Pols
- Dr Chris Holmwood
- Dr Robert Culver
- Dr John Tomich
- Dr Peter Allcroft
- Dr Lachlan Warren
- Dr Bob Kass
- Dr Luan Huynh
- Prof Justin Beilby
- Dr Alistair Begg and
- Dr Peter Stuart