Over the past few year there has seen an increase in the media of stories, issues and information related to the health and well-being of doctors and medical students in Australia.
Here at Doctors' Health SA we post some of those articles on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. However we acknowledge that not everyone is on social media nor has the time to scroll through posts and links.
We have created this page to share some of the key articles for doctors, medical students, stakeholders and interested researchers to review from time to time.
MJA Article Feb 2023 - Doctor wellbeing: debriefs with peers vital – a key point in the article is that medical professionals should be offered and encouraged to participate in active debriefs after challenging patient situations rather than only at times of crisis. This will promote and build resilience. In-person debriefs will be important to enhance communication. Read more in the article….
The Thriving Doctor - How to be more balanced and fullfilled, working in medicine. When doctors are well, patient health outcomes and experience improve according to Psychologist Sharee Johnson, who has written a book called The Thriving Doctor – how to be more balanced and fulfilled working in medicine. Sharee has been coaching doctors to help them perform better in their caregiving roles, for their own wellbeing and to help improve the healthcare system since 2014.
The health of doctors was recently highlighted on the SBS program "Insight" following the suicide of junior doctors around Australia.
A really insightful article,"The resilience myth in medicine", by Dr Geoff Toogood, Cardiologist and founder of #crazysocsfordocs day social media campaign - published on the MJA Insight doctorsportal.
"Socking it to depression" - an article on the social media campaign #crazysocsfordocs breaking down the stigma of mental health issues in the medical profession.
An article about working together to address the doctor suicide issue "Picking up the pieces" published in on the AMA(NSW) DIT Diary
'The caring profession needs to care for itself' this article is a collection of key people within the medical profession discussing the issue of suicide in the medical profession. It was published in The Age in June 2017.
August 2017 saw the release of a report from the data source of the seven annual waves of the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life(MABEL) survey. The results suggest the importance of addressing adverse working environments among doctors. Link to article here.
'It is not easy, being a doctor-patient, I know' - Dr Ian McPhee shares his experiences as a doctor-patient. A worthwhile read for doctors. Ian shares more of his journey and support of other docs health and wellbeing on his Twitter handle @iGas2 (Ian McPhee).
'Coping with the death of a patient'- Coping with death, in particular your first, is never easy. This recent article on the MIGA website provides some suggestions on how to look after yourself may be helpful to you in working through this trying time
‘Every Doctor: Healthier Doctors = Healthier Patients’, a book co-authored by Professor Michael Kidd AM and Clinical Professor Leanne Rowe AM, a helpful resource for doctors and other professionals. For more information or to order Every Doctor refer to: www.everydoctor.org.
'The Ultimate Time Management Guide for GPs (and in fact anyone in general practice)' or any busy medical professional, Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner's book has been extremely popular over the years - most recently Hugh Kearns presented key strategies from the book at Doctors' Health SA's Building Resilience in Medicine Workshops during 2018. Order your copy here
'Keeping the Doctor Alive' a guidebook with information and strategies for self-care as an essential element of the medical professional's life. View the book online here.
**Do you know of other resources, please share them with us for this page to support the health and wellbeing of doctors and medical students, email here the details.