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As we near on the end of financial year, we seek your support to contribute to the wonderful service that Doctors' Health SA offers fellow medical colleagues and to the future of medicine, our medical students.

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Mayo Clinic found that giving physicians a way to gather in small groups for semistructured, private discussions in restaurants, coffee shops or reserved rooms results in measurably lower burnout and social isolation, and higher well-being and job satisfaction.

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Mandatory reporting under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law discussion paper was released on 12 September 2017. The paper details key issues relating to the current law regarding mandatory reporting and provides options for stakeholders to consider and feedback via submissions by 29 September 2017.

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Doctors' Health SA, AMA (NT), NT PHN, and NTGPE are working together to establish a doctors’ health program across the Northern Territory. It is an independent and profession-controlled program dedicated to improving the health of doctors and medical students for the good of the community.

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