Dr Roger Sexton AM
Medical Director
Roger was appointed part-time Medical Director of Doctors' Health SA in 2010. He has been a rural procedural GP for over 35 years. Roger is a past member of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (2010-2013) and former board director NPS MedicineWise, and he was the last Presiding Member of the Medical Board of SA in 2010.
He is currently working as a medical consultant in executive health and conducts the statewide Local Government Association skin screening program.
He is a current director on the GPEx board. Roger was former Vice Chair of the national medical indemnity provider MIGA, Chair of its Clinical Risk Committee and member of its Claims Committee. Previously a director on the the boards of Doctors’ Health Services Pty Ltd (national board) and Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network.
He has a long-standing interest in doctors’ health and medical education, having played a major role in establishing both the rural doctors’ Dr DOC program in early 1999 and the Doctors’ Health SA Program in 2010 and the Doctors' Health NT program in 2016.
He completed his MBA at the University of Adelaide in 2015 and is committed to life-long education.
Roger's unique experience and roles in rural clinical medicine, education, medical indemnity and regulation has been of value to the program.
Roger was made a Member of the Order (AM) for his tireless work, for over 30 years, supporting his colleague's health and wellbeing through doctors' health programs, at the Australia Honours in January 2023.

Amber Parham
Business Manager
Amber commenced part time as the clinic manager of Doctors’ Health SA in September 2020. She is an experienced Practice Manager with 15 years’ experience working in General Practice, Accident and Emergency, Aged Care, Dental, Fertility and After Hour clinics. Amber has a Diploma in Practice Management and brings extensive experience in Practice Management, Accreditation, Risk Management and Quality Improvement.
Amber's role is to implement and maintain quality systems to ensure the efficient running of the practice to provide a high quality of care to our patients. You can contact Amber via at email amber.parham@doctorshealthsa.com.au

Megan Galpin
Program Manager / Company Secretary
Megan commenced part time as the program manager of Doctors’ Health SA in May 2024. She has 13 years’ experience as the Events and Professional Development Executive with the Australian Institute of Company Directors SA/NT, responsible for the implementation of events and management of education program budgets and sales including the AICD Company Directors Course. She has experience in the implementation and data analysis of Board, Chair and CEO Performance evaluation, project management, minute taking, board administration and support.
Previous roles include State Office Manager SA/NT of the Australian Institute of Project Management and Membership Officer at the Australian Property Institute. She has an Advanced Diploma of Tourism (Business) and is a graduate of the AICD Company Directors Course.
You can contact Megan in relation to programs and events via email megan.galpin@doctorshealthsa.com.au