Working and studying medicine can at times be a 24/7 job, so it is important that you keep in touch with other parts of your life. Perhaps you may have given up on playing guitar, writing poetry or painting landscapes. Doctors' Health SA is encouraging you to reconnect with the 'creative you'!!
There are many avenues across our community in which you can introduce a favourite past time back into your life, or it may be that you want to learn something new or discover what other talents lie beneath. We are sourcing and sharing information with you. We will continue to update this page with links to more resources and share details about creative doctors across SA. Here is what we have found so far:
- Checkout website "Creative Doctors" a blog for medical students and graduates with a creative streak
- Did you know there is the Australian Doctors Orchestra!
- View Dr Tori Wade at her SALA 2017 Exhibition - details here (you will also see Tori in our video below as part of our Art of Medicine)
- Art is Good Medicine - you can download a book which a collection of photographic images of mixed media artwork created by twenty medical students at Bond University (Qld, Australia)
- This link is an article about 5 Australian doctors who are published authors - https://www.australiandoctor.c...
- A link to the American site Medscape with a series on "7 Doctors Who Didn’t Sacrifice Their Creativity for Medicine"
- We were thrilled in 2015 to be able to present the very first 'Art of Medicine' at the SALA Festival in Adelaide. Many extremely talented doctors presented their art work, which was opened to the public. We were fortunate enough to be able to produce this wonderful video with some of the artists and including Dr Roger Sexton, DHSA Medical Director describing how important it has been for them to keep art in their lives. View this video for a glimpse of the exhibition!
Are you a creative doctor? Do you have an interest you would like us to share on this page? Let us know and we can build a place and community for creative doctors to connect. Send us the details via email here.
Art of Medicine 2018 - view details of Exhibition here!