AMA National Conference - features topic for doctors and their families looking after themselves
Dr Michael Myers
Dr Geoff Toogood
Dr Penny Browne
Dr Jessica Dean
Dr Helen Schultz
Enshrined in the 2017 update of the Declaration of Geneva of the World Medical Association is the sentence “I will attend to my own health, well-being, and abilities in order to provide care of the highest standard.” Lofty words that ring hollow when the business and culture of medicine thwarts self-care and wellness. Dr Myers address, given by a specialist in physician health and doctors’ doctor, will examine these forces and outline what needs to change, change that is long overdue. We owe this to the physicians who have been laid low or have succumbed to their illnesses – and to their loved ones.
Dr Myers’ address will be followed by a panel discussion on how doctors and medical students can and should look after their own health, and the ongoing barriers to that care.