After just 6 straight days of exercise founder, Dr Jodie Semmler, experienced such an improvement in her mood that she began to think: what a great idea to raise awareness about mental illness in doctors whilst also prescribing exercise to help with all doctors’ mental health.
"Mental illness is a scourge amongst doctors. For a profession that is caring and compassionate we do not look after each other very well" Jodie said, "We save the lives of strangers whilst our colleagues suicide."
Doctors experience mental illness at a rate at least twice as high as the general population. The suicide rate is 4x the rate of other professions.
"The fact is we are in stressful jobs, often on call, can’t turn our mobiles off and sometimes, particularly in private practice, can’t afford to take holidays. We usually do not have the time for 'self-care'."
"I want to lift the lid on this and help break down the barriers to doctors seeking professional help."
Join Jodie and many others in Doctober and walk, do yoga, Pilates, or gym to improve your mental health and along the way raise funds to support doctors' mental wellbeing.
For more information about Doctober visit Dr Semmler's fundraising page here. You can also follow the cause on her Facebook page here.
"One of the best therapies I can prescribe for all our doctors and medical students is getting out with nature and go for a walk", said Doctors' Health SA Medical Director, Roger Sexton.
Doctors' Health SA congratulates Jodie on her initiative and for her support of such an important issue. Doctors' Health SA knows intimately just how much some doctors have been impacted with stress, depression and anxiety due to work conditions, bullying, stigma, fear of reaching out or feeling they have no-one to turn to.