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Recalibrate: Doctor Care


Recalibrate offers you the chance to develop your capacity as a mindful, compassionate health professional, who experiences great wellbeing, is well resourced, able to lead and communicate effectively, and who is supported for those times when wellbeing is challenged. Soft skills are not easy, but they can be learned. Improving these skills can improve your experience at work and in life, improve your relationships with colleagues, patients, and your family. This means everyone can feel more trust and psychological safety. The results include better safety for patients and for doctors, better health outcomes, and less burnout.

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Presented by

Sharee Johnson

Director, SKJ ConsultingLBP21-1226-cropped.jpeg?resize=388%2C395&ssl=1

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Sharee is a registered Psychologist and Executive Coach. She considers mindfulness the most effective way to bring sustained change and focus to life. As a mindful practitioner she brings a deep understanding and lived experience of the power of presence, supported by a depth of experience and accreditations. Integrating mindfulness into her coaching and counselling practice enables her clients to benefit from a growth mindset and improve their performance and their well-being.