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Rural Doctors' Retreats

Stamford Grand, Glenelg


We were pleased to host the highly acclaimed rural retreats, where we invited rural doctors from across South Australia to attend a weekend at the Stamford Grand, Glenelg.

These events are supported by a Grant from Rural Doctors Workforce Agency and we engage facilitators, Dr Maria Gardiner and Mr Hugh Kearns from ThinkWell to lead the workshops. The program has been rigorously evaluated and the results show that over 90% of rural doctors who have attended in the past have made significant and lasting changes in their life.

Rural Doctors attending this Retreat will:

· discover that they have choices which ultimately influence their quality of life

· make decisions about what they would like to change to improve their lives as rural GPs

· develop strategies (including time management, communication, self-talk, self-awareness, saying no, dealing with -perfectionism etc) to assist with change

· deal with obstacles or barriers to change, including internal (self-talk, high expectations, perfectionism) and external (workload, others’ demands, lack of resources, financial and family pressures) barriers

· network with other rural doctors and share strategies for dealing with the challenges of rural practice

There is no registration fee thanks to the Rural Doctors Workforce Agency and some financial support is available for accommodation. Doctors’ Health SA encourages doctors to bring their families for the weekend as well.

**To ensure the full impact of the program numbers are limited to 10 rural doctor participants!

If you have any questions, or would like to enquire when the next retreat is, email 

View an example of the program below:

For more information please contact Megan Galpin, Program Manager at 

The Retreats have been accredited by MIGA for 5 Risk Management points.

What previous participants said about the Retreats:

“For the first time in 12 months I’ve actually been relaxed”

“Highlighted some of the simple ways I can decrease time commitments at work and increase the time with family"
